How to Avoid Buying a Car With Flood Damage

Are you looking for a “new-to-you” car?

Before buying, make sure you know How to Avoid Buying a Car With Flood Damage .

The vehicle may LOOK GREAT on the outside but looks can be deceiving. Automobiles with flood damage may have been repaired and listed for sale in other parts of the country. And guess what? The soon-to-be new-owner may not EVEN be aware of it.
Cars that have been involved in floods may have corrosion and other ruin related to electronics, lubricants, and mechanical systems. Avoid the risk by making sure you know How to Avoid Buying a Car With Flood Damage

Engine Mounts Damaged

Are you hearing excessive noise under your hood? Do you feel vibration when starting, stopping, slowing down, or speeding up? It could be your engine mounts. Engine mounts make sure your engine is properly positioned. If they are damaged, your engine can tilt, bounce, or shift causing damage to other components of your car. Check out this video to see what happens under the hood of a vehicle with worn engine mounts.